Seed Growers
Thanks for supporting small farming in the Maritimes! We grow many of our seeds ourselves, here at Heartseed Farm. We also collaborate with some excellent friends and seed savers, who add to the catalogue many of their own favourite varieties.
Heartseed Farm - Nictaux, NS
Twisted Brook Farm - South Williamston, NS
Yonder Hill Farm - Laconia, NS
Seed and Scarecrow Farm - Clementsvale, NS
Broadfork Farm - River Hebert, NS
Pembroke Farm - Pembroke, PEI
All of us are organic in both spirit and practice, but only Broadfork is officially certified as of this year.
Twisted Brook Farm - South Williamston, NS
Yonder Hill Farm - Laconia, NS
Seed and Scarecrow Farm - Clementsvale, NS
Broadfork Farm - River Hebert, NS
Pembroke Farm - Pembroke, PEI
All of us are organic in both spirit and practice, but only Broadfork is officially certified as of this year.
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