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I've been growing and saving soybean seeds since 2004, they were one of the first seeds I saved as a kid. I believe our humble collection of heirloom soybeans is currently the largest available in Canada.

Grown in Asia for thousands of years, and in North America for a few hundred. Soybeans are widely grown across Eastern Canada. But almost all of our region's soybean production is both genetically engineered and destined for animal feed. I think these delicious and easy to grow heirloom varieties deserve to be better known among gardeners and eaters. We'll keep on pushing to change that!

Green edamame varieties are best eaten in the fresh shelling stage. Just boil the plump pods for 2-3 minutes, and squeeze the beans out after they cool. Black, yellow and multi coloured soybeans are usually harvested fully mature and dry. They're delicious in baked beans or soups, or any other way you would use regular dry beans. It's these varieties you would want to use for making ferments or tofu. They're delicious in the fresh edamame stage as well.

-Growing Soybeans: Here at the farm I direct sow our soybeans late May or early June, the same time as our regular beans. You can treat them just as you would regular bush beans. They're more tolerant of drought and poor soil than regular beans, and they do best in full sun. The plants are self supporting and don't require staking. Watch for plump edamame pods in early August, and dry pods a few weeks later. Check out our Growing Guide for more info.

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