Also known as Mouse Melons. Cucamelons are pretty similar to cucumbers in terms of growing. We start our seeds in trays in our greenhouse mid-April and transplanted them about six weeks later in early June. Like cukes, mouse melon vines will spread about 8-10 feet and they love climbing up supports or trellises if they get the chance. Coming from Mexico, they love the heat, so place them in as warm and sunny a site as possible. I've grown great cucamelons both in our unheated greenhouse and outdoors without any extra covers.
We set up mesh trellis for the vines, and they quickly covered the 7 foot frame. By early July we were seeing lots of little yellow flowers (like miniature squash flowers), and the first flush of fruit were at their peak around August 1, with more continually coming on up until frost. Pick fruit while they're young and most tender, older fruit are good too, but they get noticeably thicker skinned and tart as they get older. Having the vines trellised made picking them a lot easier, although they seem to do just as well and produce just as many fruit on the ground without support.

(Vines beginning to take off up mesh, mid July) - (Young fruit, ready to pick)
- Saving Mouse Melon Seeds -

After it was finished I added lots of water to the mix, and let the fertile seeds sink to the bottom. The skins float away and with a few rinses of water you'll be left with nothing but clean seeds.