Kenearly Tomato
Short and sturdy plants, only growing about 2’ tall. Heavy yields of medium sized red tomatoes. They don’t 100% need staking, but their fruit was so heavy we staked them anyway. As the name suggests, they’re among the earliest tomatoes in our collection. 30 seeds
-Grown by Annapolis Seeds
From what I can tell, it was bred at the Agriculture Canada station in Kentville in the 1970’s, the same origin as Scotia and Cabot. Unlike it’s more popular siblings, Kenearly fell into obscurity. The seeds were maintained for some time by the USDA, before being grown out by Experimental Farm Network in 2019 (awesome seed savers in the US, who I’d highly recommend checking out). I chanced upon their social media post describing it, and they shared some seeds with us. Happy to help bring this one back to it’s home province!