Painted Mountain Corn
Hardy and diverse multi-colour flint corn, with kernels in shades of red, maroon, slate-blue and white. One of the very best varieties for grain production in harsh climates. Painted Mountain is the work of farmer/breeder Dave Christensen, who has been developing it since the 1970’s in Montana. He began by planting over 70 traditional short-season corn varieties, he let them grow and cross together and selected the ones that did best at his high-altitude site.
This particular strain has been grown in eastern PEI for a number of years by Lorna McMaster of Heartfelt Seed, it’s their go-to variety for producing grain on their windy, coastal farm. They’ve been doing some amazing selection work on it, and their strain keeps getting better adapted for East Coast conditions. Approx. 75 seeds (20 g)
-Grown by Heartfelt Seed (Lorna McMaster)